The Pooch Collective

Get your pet festive ready – Guide for Diwali

Everybody loves the festive season, especially when it’s the festival of lights. But for pet parents, it can be worrisome when you have your cute four-legged pal at home. But don’t worry, this little guide will help you out to make it easier for them.

1. Figure out what they need

The first step that all pet parents must take before preparing for the festive season is to understand what their furry friend requires. Some dogs/cats can handle the noise or guests during the holiday season, while others may be scared or anxious, and you can learn what works best for them over time. As a result, it is critical to comprehend their behavior and needs. While some things may work for certain breeds, others may struggle, so you must determine what is best for your pet. You can consult your veterinarian or try different things to see what works best for them.

2. Train them early

Have you ever struggled with keeping your furry friend in one place during all of the festivities, or with them requiring constant care? If this is the case, you are not alone! Many pet owners may face this problem because their pet may not be at ease. You can either hire a professional trainer or do it yourself with treats and some training videos online. A good step would be to buy dog treats online because they will help you train the dog or puppy a lot faster. Training your dog early also gives them a sense of discipline.

3. Get the necessary supplies

Diwali can be a little stressful and hectic for most people as it involves shopping, cleaning, cooking, etc., and the last thing you want to do is shop at the last minute for proper supplies for your furry friend. You can first start by finding a good online pet shop where you can find all the things you might need for your pet, and The Pooch Collective is probably the best place to buy pet supplies online. So, whether you need to buy pet treats online or a dog bed, a dog blanket online, or even pet supplements, you can find it all under one roof. One supplement in particular that all paw parents should invest in is the dog calming supplement by the Natural Dog Company. This is a product that every pet owner can invest in as it is made from all natural ingredients that has soothing properties of organic hemp flour, chamomile, etc. to help relieve anxiety and calm hyperactivity. Here some added benefits of this supplement:



– It helps dogs with separation anxiety
– It is also great for dogs while travelling
– It helps them keep calm during loud noises
– It is ideal for dogs who are
hyperactive or reactive
– It also helps dogs who often have stomach issues



And of course, it’s the perfect supplement for festivals like Diwali. Apart from this, you can invest in a good quality blanket to make them feel safe and some treats, biscuits, and toys to keep them engaged, and the best place to look would again be The Pooch Collective.

4. Take extra precautions

You may already be more aware of your pet’s safety during the Diwali season, but it’s a good idea to double-check that you’re taking extra precautions before the festivities begin. Small things like keeping them away from dia’s or any kind of fire, rangoli, sweets, and so on should be kept in mind. Close the doors and windows when people are bursting crackers, not only to muffle the noise but also to keep the harmful smoke from the crackers from coming in. You can also create a safe space for them in the house with their favorite toys and treats. You can also try putting some calming music, and make sure to give them Pooch Collective’s calming supplement to help them relax their nerves.
5.Include them in the celebration

Even your pets deserve to celebrate the festival with you once they are calm and relaxed. This means you can dress them up in cute little outfits and make some delicious home-made Diwali treats for them. You can also pamper them at home by purchasing grooming supplies from The Pooch Collective. They sell perfumes, dental chews, grooming wipes, and a variety of other grooming items. Aside from that, you can look at their gift boxes to give to your loved ones. All of their products are naturally made, organic, and of high quality! Pampering you pets this Diwali will be much easier when you follow these tips but you can also ensure safety of stray animals in your neighborhood and make sure they are safe from fire-crackers and have a warm space.
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